Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Specialty Printing Embossing Debossing

Publicide’s Specialty Printing department brings embossing and debossing from exquisite fifteenth-century aristocratic imperative to your personalized stationery. Embossing and debossing of luxury goods once afforded only to royal business and other illustrious matters now imprints its good looks onto a myriad of tangible products.
Embossed letterpress invitations NYC
Debossed Letterpress Invitations printing NYC
4 x 5 Blind Emboss + Black Letterpress Invitation on Savoy Cover, Brilliant White with a Cut Finish.

Illustrious Matters

Copper and aluminum plates are used to put pressure, creating either raised or recessed relief images and designs in paper and other materials. An embossed pattern is raised against the background, while a debossed pattern is sunken into the surface of the material
Embossed letterpress business card printers NYC
Blind Emboss + Letterpress Cards 179# Cotton, Crane’s Crest Cover Paper, Pearl White With Cut Finish.
Though foil stamping and various dyes and inks are frequently used in tandem with embossing and debossing, the process on its own creates a unique flair to your brand. Simple and impressive. Bold yet subtle, an embossed business card displays a refined sensibility without being overly precious.

Refined Sensibility

Crests, monograms, and addresses embossed on paper and envelopes are pounded out on ordinary letterpresses. At Publicide we most frequently use our Heidelberg Windmill Letterpress. We use metal counters, though some printers also epoxy/polymer. Publicide’s Specialty Printing department believes that the metal cuts sharper and makes a superior emboss. A “Counter” is needed for every emboss to push the paper from the opposite side.
Embossed Letterpress Business Card Printing NYC
2 x 3.5 Blind Embossed Business Card 179# Crane’s Crest Cover, Pearl White With Cut Finish.

Crafty Cuts

The inns and outs of embossing is a serious endeavor at Publicide’s specialty printing department! We take your brand seriously and any job can expect our impressive imprint to your presentation. Check out some of our crafty cuts in the letterpress sample page. Anything you can imagine can be put to paper, leather and many other textiles. Please contact us with your deepest desire and we will blow you away. Rush jobs for the holidays are in order.

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